Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Congratulations Dr. Deborah Trytten for being awarded the Presidential Associates Presidential Professorship!

Dr. Deborah A. Trytten an associate professor in the School Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma. She received a BA in physics and mathematics from Albion College. She has MS degrees in both applied mathematics and computer science, and a PhD in computer science from Michigan State University. Dr. Trytten's current research interests include: gender and ethnic/racial diversity issues in engineering education, undergraduate education in computer science, and the educational use of computer games. Dr. Trytten has authored papers in venues including the Journal of Engineering Education, the Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education, the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, College Teaching, Pattern Recognition, and the Frontiers in Education Conference. She has been an investigator on more than thirty grants and contracts from the NSF, the United States Department of Education, and several state agencies.